Wednesday, September 04, 2013

arranging facebook photos

For some reason, facebook is not allowing me to arrange the photos in my albums.

In the past, I could just go to photos/Albums/ then to whatever album I wanted to edit. Once there, I could click-drag the photo to where I wanted it to go.

But now it drags, but the photo doesn't stay there.  (This is on firefox, btw.  I think the problem also occurs on the other browsers, but I didn't check them all.)

Anyway I found a way that seems to get it working.

What you do is put the cursor on the picture you want to move and click the star icon (highlight) on the top right.  That hulks up the picture to a bigger size.  Then click it again to restore the picture to the original size.

For some reason, that seems to set facebook back to where you can drag the picture and it'll stay there.

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