Friday, October 09, 2015

Steve Jobs (the movie)

[10/8/15] Former Apple CEO John Sculley is a long-time fan of Aaron Sorkin. So when the legendary screenwriter approached him for script research on "Steve Jobs," Sculley was very happy to help.

Sorkin met with Sculley four times while making the film. The ex-CEO shared stories about Apple (AAPL, Tech30) history, his relationship with Jobs and Jobs' relationships with others.

"[Sorkin's] a brilliant screenwriter," Sculley said. "While [the dialogue] may not have been the exact words that were spoken, it represented the kind of dialogue that said 'yes, that's that person."

That includes himself, played by Jeff Daniels in the film. Sculley was very impressed with the way Daniels absorbed aspects of his personality.

"I couldn't believe how ... he actually captured how I was feeling going through some of the most intense scenes," Sculley said.

Sculley visited the set and spoke with both Daniels and Michael Fassbender, who plays Jobs. He shared favorite memories with them, including a late night in the Mac lab with both Jobs and Bill Gates. Sculley, who had recently transitioned from a top job at Pepsi, was shocked by their focus entirely on "the noble cause," as opposed to profit. Both Jobs and Gates were dedicated to the creation of the personal computer, and the possibilities it could create for workers all over the world.