Friday, April 26, 2013

turn Windows 8 into Windows 7 (and Twit.TV) (and 8ctave)

hey a cool new channel for my Roku, called 8ctave.  It's a channel pulling a bunch of content made public by the various vendors.

The meat (as far as I've explored) is in the On Demand section which is further divided into sections: TV, News, Sports, Education, Food, Spirituality, Technology, Life & Style, Music, Kids & Animation, Weather, Audio.

In the technology section is a show called Know How (made public by twitps) starrring liaz akhtar and leo leporte.  And the show (they have 10 of them) Know How 32 is Make Windows 8 act like Windows 7 where they feature some applications which make Windows 8 act like Windows 7.

Since the channel only has the latest 10 shows, hopefully I can find this show on the internet.  And here it is!

Wow, there's a lot of shows on Twit.TV.  Cool.  Don't see see this on cable!

[5/28/13] Twit also has their own Roku Channel.  But the best way to watch it on Roku might be via youtube (via VideoBuzz or Plex) which has the majority of the episodes archived.  There's a few that I don't see.  Recently youtube has been banning the This Week in Youtube episodes.

[5/28/13] A couple more channels from this youtube video on using PlayOn.  FirstRow Sports and SuperusvoxTV.  They get a lot of popups first though that you have to close.  I'm currently looking at a pretty high quality ESPN stream on SuperusvoxTV, apparently via something called iLive.


Now looking more at 8ctave.  They also have the top 50 Channels which are (pseudo)live.  Mostly local news stations it appears, but also (4) reuters news network (6) los angeles times (7) natgeo (14) comedy shaq network (18) NBA D-League (22) All Pro Wrestling (24) Professional Bowlers Association (33) USC TV (35) Legends Football League (37) Smithsonian Channel (40) Vatican City (43) Ultimate Rap League (47) UC TV (University of California I assume) (50) Ski Channel

And it don't stop at 50.  There's more categorized as National US Channels, US East, US Central, US Mountain, US Pacific.  Don't see any Hawaii channels though.

1 comment:

Redd said...

Octave is cool
Biased as we like 30a TV which is in there
Love me some Leo Laporte as well with the twit show