Monday, April 01, 2013

The reality of climate change

10 myths busted

-- according to LiveScience anyway

When critics point out that normal fluctuations occur that create climate change -- regardless of human interference -- they are right. But that doesn't change the fact that what we're seeing today is unprecedented, and there's likely more at play than normal global cyclicality.

-- according to Brian Stoffe, but Schneidku40 comments

You may want to revise your #2, at least to say the levels of CO2 are unprecedented during the Holocene/modern history/recorded history/ice history. This level of CO2 is certainly not unprecedented in earth's history. The dinosaurs were walking around in CO2 levels that were likely somewhere around 5 times what it is now. 500 million years ago the CO2 levels 10-20 times what they are now. The average global temperature has also been much higher for most of earth's history.

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