Friday, May 13, 2016

freecell on Windows 10 (and 8)

Having played Microsoft freecell since Windows 95 (I thought it might have been Windows 3.1 but I guess not), I really didn't like it not being included with Windows except as a part of the Microsoft Solitaire Collection (which played really sluggishly on my laptop).

Eventually I started playing on instead, which is actually rather good.

But now (via frwr-news), comes Windows 7 games for Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which fixes the old Microsoft game pack to work with Windows 10 (and 8).  I was worried about spyware, but after carefully clicking the "Download Windows 7 games for Windows 10" (not the googleads box with the big green button to Start Download), it apparently installed cleanly.

So now I have a choice to go back to the familiar freecell on Windows 10 or continue using netsolitaire.  Probably both for now.

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