Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sony Trinitron KV-27FV16

This was a nice TV that my neighbor up the street had on the road. It looked too good to throw away, so I picked it up. Pretty heavy.

Anyway, I lugged it home and plugged it in and it worked. The picture was pretty sharp, though the sound sounded kind of funny. But from the control panel in the front, I adjusted the sound. I think the bass was way too high. Anyway, after the adjustment, it sounded pretty good.

So that Sunday, I had Alvin help me carry it up the steps and set it up. After a little while though, I noticed the picture has a subtle blue haze that kind of tires my eyes after a while. But it's not too noticeable on certain pictures. Or to certain people for that matter. (Either that, or they don't want to complain.)

Anyway, I want to get rid of it (and get a new hidef flat screen) now but don't want to throw it away since it still works. Maybe freecycle. Or even get a few bucks on craigslist.

I wondered how heavy it was. I figured it's gotta be in three-digits. Found the manual on the internet. 108 pounds.

Stay tuned.


[4/26/10] All this time I was bothered by the blue tinge. Today I decided to adjust the picture again and I noticed that it was set on cool. I changed it to neutral. Hmm. Picture looks better to me. Actually the picture looks quite good now. Almost tempted to keep it now. We'll see how it looks and feels after a day or two.

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