This antenna comes with an amplifier, but I first tried it without it first.
My first attempt was to put the antenna above the hallway. That way it had better height than if I just put it next to the TV.
The first scan caught 18 channels plus 3 channels that were weak.
Then I plugged in the amplified and it caught only 9 channels.
Finally I tried extending the cable and put it by the couch near the window. That gave the best results catching 31 channels plus 4 weak channels.
A few weeks later [5/31/19], I hooked it up to the TV at the back of the house. It caught only 4 channels.
Here's the results:
CH hallway w/amp couch back
2-1 KHON-HD x x x
2-2 KHON-CW x x x
2-3 KHON-GT x x x
2-4 KHON-LF x x x
4-1 KITV-HD x x x
4-2 MeTV x x x
4-3 KITV-D3 x x x
4-4 Start TV x x x
4-5 H&I x x x
5-1 KGMB x
5-2 THIS x
5-3 Escape x
5-4 Bounce x
9-1 KHII DT x
11-1 KHET-1 w x
11-2 KHET-2 w x
11-3 KHET-3 w x
13-1 KHNL-DT x
13-2 K5 x
13-3 Ant TV x
13-4 Grit x
14-1 KWHE-D1 x x x
14-2 KWHE-D2 x x x
20-1 KIKU w
20-2 EVINE w
20-3 LAFF w
20-4 SonLife x
26-1 KAAH-D1 x x
26-2 Hillsng x
26-3 KAAH-D3 x x
26-4 KAAH-D4 x x
26-5 KAAH-D5 x x
32-1 KBFD-D1 x x x
32-2 KBFD-D2 x x x
38-1 KALO x
So I can get a good signal at my house, but it has to be at the front of the house, not the back.
Saw this video from on youtube comparing antennas from Amazon. The winner was the one from Vansky. It's currently selling for $22.99, so I'm tempted to try this next.
Then saw this video from Freakin' reviews on youtube. The $3 antenna was just about as the good as the more expensive models.
Saw this video from on youtube comparing antennas from Amazon. The winner was the one from Vansky. It's currently selling for $22.99, so I'm tempted to try this next.
Then saw this video from Freakin' reviews on youtube. The $3 antenna was just about as the good as the more expensive models.